the jesus and mary chain
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The Evening Session
BBC Radio One
Presenter: to the Maida Vale studios, where we've got The Jesus And Mary Chain recording a session for us, first session for the programme since July 1994. And you did your first gig for quite some time recently chaps?
Jim: Yeah, played a gig at Water Rats in North London, Kings Cross
Presenter: It's a cosy place?
Jim: Sleazy little dive to be more precise.
Presenter: Is that why you chose to do it there?
Jim: Um... No, It was cheap (much laughter). We were gonna give away free beers all night long and we couldn't afford a cool place.
Presenter: Okay, no problem. Do you remember much about your first session, 'cos we've just been going back through our files today, and you did one for Peel, back in October '84.
Jim: Yeah. Yeah... I actually can remember that, I can remember being incredibly nervous all the way through it. But I think we got there in the end. It was pretty successful as I recall.
Presenter: So you're back with Creation Records, new LP "Munki" coming out which we'll talk about sometime in the future - 'cos I don't wanna give too much of the game away... But a couple of quick questions. Just Before "Virtually Unreal", which is one of my favourite tracks off the record, is that Nick from Earl Brutus... on the answerphone message?
Jim: Yeah
(much laughter)
Presenter: Basically, there's this great bit where Nicks' on the phone going "I'm really looking forward to..... I'm really looking forward to.... I'm not looking forward to anything really" (much more laughter) It's very funny. What about... 'cos I read somewhere recently that was saying... the quote was something like "there is still a lot more you can do with pop music"... it sounds like you've got you're appetite for messing things up again?
Jim: Well, yeah, it's like, I mean... you can go on as long as you've got the imagination to really. Y'know maybe there's like a half a dozen chords that are worth using or what-have-you. But y'know Suicide were one of my favourite bands... and you say give them a £2.99 synthesiser and say like make a decent album... the odds were stacked against them but they made some of the most inspiring music ever, y'know.
Presenter: Did you go and see them (Suicide)? the gigs in London?
Jim: Unfortunately we were in America but I've seen them with Spiritualized... they came on for an encore with Spiritualized at the Astoria so I seen that. And we've done a gig with them actually in July? Independence day? 4th is it?
Presenter: Right, I get ya. The songs which you are doing today are all new versions of stuff that's on the album?
Jim: Yeah, except we're doing a kinda slowed down version of "Reverence" too, so...
Presenter: So what are you gonna play for us now?
Jim: This is called Moe Tucker... and this features my sister on vocals.
Presenter: This is The Jesus And Mary Chain playing live from Maida Vale.

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