the jesus and mary chain
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Jeff Anderson / Reflex
issue Vol.1, No.1 / Holiday 1987

The Jesus And Mary Chain

Warner Bros.

To start this review, I think it's necessary to let you know that I'm a Jesus And Mary Chain fanatic. With that out of the way, let's turn to the band's new LP. Brilliance? Yes, it abounds. Melody? Emotion? Droves. So why is it that I'm disappointed with this album? When it gets right down to it, I would say style. The group has always had difficulty picking out an individual style. On 1985's Psychocandy, it was the wall of white noise that drenched every song, as well as the interesting and ferocious, but ultimately elementary guitar work. Darklands has less of a coherent feeling to it. While the faster, harder songs ("April Skies," "Happy When It Rains," "Down On Me") are almost beyond reproach, the ballads are less successful. While "Deep One Perfect Morning" is a beautiful, emotional song, the other slower pieces on the album tend to drag -- which is a shame, considering the melodic genius that dominates the album. Much of the blame lies in the use of a drum machine, which throws the pace of the songs into sharp relief. If the Mary Chain can incorporate more variety and diversity into their compositions -- as have the Scottish pop bands that have proliferated in their wake -- I see no reason why they shouldn't attain perfection, instead of wandering around in a land of midtempos.
--Jeff Anderson


from the same issue:
Current alternative radio, retail and club charts

These charts, are compiled from "leading representative non-commercial radio stations, retail outlets, and clubs across the US." Here's how the JAMC fared in the 1987 alternative charts according to REFLEX mag:

(out of 15)
Radio: #1 Jesus And Mary Chain - Darklands
Retail: #7 Jesus And Mary Chain - Darklands
Clubs: didn't make the charts


Reflex's June/July 1988 issue charts

Radio: didn't chart
Retail: #4 Jesus And Mary Chain - Barbed Wire Kisses
Clubs: #10 Jesus And Mary Chain - "Sidewalking" (ranked higher than New Order's "Blue Monday 88" single!)

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